Any hope to get the studiolive series 3 talking to Cubase? I am still holding to it to buy this great mixer.PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware (324).

Controller Series Feature Requests (179).Recording Interface Series Feature Requests (182).StudioLive Series Feature Requests (799).For me, the answer to the midi issue was simple, I created a "Matrix" mix using the digital return and routed all of my midi audio through it, by connecting my midi controller to my laptop for live performances or my desktop at home for studio use, I have also found that since my other keyboards (Because they have their own sound libraries onboard) don't or won't use the digital return for midi and have their own amplified monitor, I simply included them in that same "Matrix Mix" using the same streaming "Digital Return" I use for the midi keyboard for sound output, which I route to the floor monitor for the keyboards, so in effect, all of my keyboards are included in said mix output from the amplified floor monitor, while retaining each keyboard's individuality and the midi controller keyboard, still holds full access to all of my desktop or laptop's apps and sound libraries, whether I'm performing live or in the studio recording with "Studio One", "Capture", "Pro Tools" or "Reason 11 Suite", it actually works beautifully too.